JobsInTheUS has been connecting employers and job seekers since 1999. Our mission is to help job seekers find real, local, quality jobs where they want to work — and help employers find the talent they need to grow their business — through our network of 51 local employment websites.
Need to Post a Job Today?
Head to JobsInTheUS or one of our state-specific employment sites, including New England’s JobsInME, JobsInNH, JobsInVT, JobsInMA, JobsInRI or JobsInCT.
Create an employer profile and try a 14 or 30-day QuickPost — our single job option that also includes distribution to an extensive network of affiliate job search sites.
For more flexible hiring needs, we recommend a Job Slot package — a reserved space that allows you to rotate different jobs in your slot as needed. Single and multi-slot packages are available in 30, 90, or 365-day increments.
We’re Here to Help
For questions about setting up an account or issues logging into your existing account, our live customer service team is ready to assist you. Simply call 877-374-1088 or email us at, and we’ll help get you up and running in no time!